We all know that bubble gum can lead to tooth decay. But sugar-laden foods aren’t the only culprit for gum disease, yellow teeth, and cavities. Brushing your teeth at least twice a day and flossing regularly are a good start to proper dental care. Ensuring you eat the right foods, however, is equally as important.


It’s an all-natural product with no sugar or preservatives, so how bad can it be? Surprisingly, ice can cause a whole lot of trouble for your teeth. Gnawing on ice cubes can damage protective tooth enamel, displace existing dental work like fillings and crowns, cause chipped teeth, and result in unpleasant jaw pain. Next time, let it melt before you put it in your mouth!


Oranges and grapefruits are a great source of vitamin C. Unfortunately, these nutrient-dense citrus fruits can erode enamel, making teeth more susceptible to cavities and decay. Even a single lemon wedge in your water can put your teeth at risk. To avoid wearing down your teeth, ingest your vitamin C through other means, like vitamin pills.

Chewy Foods

Granola bars and dried fruit are at the top of the “healthy foods” list for many. But sticky, chewy fruits have a tendency of getting stuck between your teeth, putting you at risk of cavities and gum disease. There’s nothing wrong with snacking on a granola bar once in a while, so long as you ensure to brush and floss your teeth afterwards.


Alcohol tends to cause high plaque levels, tooth staining, and dry mouth. Chronic alcohol abusers are three times more likely to experience permanent tooth loss. Alcohol, even in small portions, dehydrates the mouth. Saliva is crucial in removing plaque and bacteria from the teeth and gums. Try keeping alcohol levels at a minimum, and matching each beverage with a glass of water to stay hydrated.


Coffee may give you pep to your step in the mornings, but that lovely buzz affects more than just your energy levels. This drink dries out the mouth, stains the teeth, and when mixed with sugar or sweetener, can put your teeth at risk of bacteria and disease. To keep its effects at a minimum, try coupling each coffee with a glass of water, and refraining from adding sugar.

Proper dental hygiene goes beyond brushing and flossing. To keep your teeth and gums healthy, it’s important to eat the right foods. If you have questions about diet in relation to dental health, or require a dental service, get in touch with our staff at King Town Dental today.